Speed of Angel Jibreel (a.s) -- Jibreel (as) ki Tezz Raftar | حضرت جبرايل ع کي تيز رفتار

2018-01-19 22

Jibreel (AS) is the first being that Allah (SWT) ever gave life to. He was created before heaven and hell as per the hadith recorded in Bukhari.

When Allah (SWT) created the Garden, He asked the Angel Jibreel (AS) to go and take a look at it. So he went and looked at the Paradise and at all that Allah had prepared for its inhabitants. Then he said “O My Lord! By Your Honour, No one who hears about this place would stay away from it.” Then Allah surrounded the Paradise by difficulties and hardships and asked Jibreel again to go and take another look. Jibreel went again and after looking at it came back and said “O My Lord! By Your Honour, I am afraid now that no one will be able to enter it.” Then after Allah created the Hell, He asked Jibreel to go and take a look. When Jibreel came back he said “O My Lord! By Your Honour, no one who hears about it will ever enter it.” Then Allah surrounded the Hell by all kinds of lusts and desires and asked Jibreel to take another look. This time after looking at it Jibreel said “O My Lord! By Your Honour, I am afraid that no one will be able to avoid it.”

The name Jibreel is broken down and translates as: Jibra (‘Abd/Slave) + Eel (Allah) = Jibreel (Abdullah/Slave of Allah). All inhabitants of heaven obey and respect Jibreel, not because he is fierce but because he is trustworthy. One of Jibreel’s names is an-Namoos, the keeper of the secret (revelation). This is the opposite of jasoos, a spy, which generally has negative or evil connotations. Other variations of the name include Jibraeel and Jibreen. Sometimes the Prophet (SAW) would say Jibreel SalAllahu Alayhi Wasallam.

Jibreel (AS) apportions the commands of Allah (SWT) and is responsible for revelation and war, war being against those who reject revelation. He is responsible for the light in our heart through bringing us the revelation. He brings us our soul and gives us life by giving us revelation.

Jibreel (AS) has 600 wings… Pearls and diamonds drip from these wings… Dehya ibn Kalbi (RA) was the most handsome of the Companions of Muhammad (SAW) and it is narrated that he resembled Jibreel…

Jibreel (AS) had relationships with many of the Prophets of Allah, as detailed in the Qur’an and Sunnah, and briefly outlined below:

– Idris (AS)

He was the first Prophet to write with a pen. Jibreel took him to the heavens to the Angel of Death in the fourth heaven to ask how much time he had to live, and his soul was taken there and then.

– Ibrahim (AS)

Jibreel appeared when Ibrahim (AS) was thrown in the fire, and asked if he could help Ibrahim, who responded that Allah (SWT) is enough for him. We learn that Jibreel (AS) always wanted to help the prophets.

Jibreel also came to help Haajar, the wife of Ibrahim (AS), tapping his heel to produce the water of Zamzam.

A group of Angels also went to the house of Ibrahim (AS) to give him the glad tidings of a righteous son in his old age, and that they are there to destroy the nation of Lut (AS).

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